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How can it help you?


The Aronia Berry contains more anti-oxidants and anthocyanins than any other fruit known to man. Basically, it means that aronia berries can help lower blood pressure, improve circulation, prevent the common cold and flu, reduce inflammation, and is good for the eyes and skin!


Whew! Can't beat all that!

The Aronia Berry


What the heck is an Aronia Berry?


Well the Aronia Berry, also known as the Choke Berry, is actually Native to the midwest and was used by the Natives and early settlers for medicinal purposes as well as for food and art. Today, it mainly grows in Poland but is making a comeback in the United States.

Nebraska Aronia Processors - Organic Farmers Aronia Berries
Nebraska Aronia Processors - Inside of Aronia
Berry Info

Don't let us be your your only source of facts, check out these videos for a more clear explanation from scientists and dieticians. 


Hear from our friends who have tried Ariona Products and had success by clicking HERE


There are lots of studies being done right now and research being released everyday. Check it out!


Most importantly, try it for yourself! For the best health results drink 2 oz. every 4 hours of pure aronia juice daily.

Try Truronia Organic Aronia Product Tody
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